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Beautify Carolina Forest

A Local Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Charity

Mission Statement
To Enhance the Natural Beauty of Carolina Forest

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Beautify Carolina Forest was established as a result of a desire to improve the appearance of the streetscape and gateways into our community.  The organization identifies areas, such as roadway medians, that can be beautified through planting of trees and shrubs.  Concept drawings are developed and approved by county planners and engineers, and funding sources are identified, such as a Palmetto Pride grant.  Individuals, businesses, HOA’s, and organizations, such as Keep Horry County Beautiful, are asked to partner with our volunteers and assist Beautify Carolina Forest in reaching our goal.  Fundraising remains key to this all volunteer program.


Increasing the beauty of our surroundings is the primary objective of this organization.  Unfortunately, litter and unkempt areas are a distraction from the natural beauty of the Carolina Forest area.  Areas in need of additional care and maintenance are identified and rectified through cooperation with local and state agencies.  Participation in the Great American Cleanup rounds out a nationwide push to keep our communities beautiful.


A beautiful, non-littered community inspires everyone.  The organization’s involvement in future beautification planning in our community is ongoing to keep Carolina Forest Beautiful!




The Carolina Forest Boulevard Median Beautification Project is a multi-year, phased project that will gradually landscape the new medians.  Beautify Carolina Forest will assist an HOA with the design and planting of the medians after an adjoining HOA agrees to maintain the medians after planting.  Plants approved for the medians include: crape myrtles, sabal palms, knock-out roses, ornamental grasses, and flowering perennials.  The project will be funded entirely through grants and donations.  In an effort to continue this project and future beautification plans, we would appreciate your donation to help us complete this community project.



Beautify Carolina Forest is coordinating community wide litter cleanup events once a month. Existing litter cleanup teams will work in their designated areas. Any extra volunteers from an existing team or new volunteers should contact for assignments, instructions, and supplies.


Carolina Forest Boulevard (Hwy 501 to Village Center Blvd)
Gardner Lacy Road (Hwy 501 to Clear Pond)
Postal Way (Gardner Lacy Road to Carolina Forest Boulevard)

Renee Drive, Carolina Exchange Drive, Carolina Commercial Drive

Oakheart Rd, Glenforest Rd, Glenbriar Dr, Factory Stores Blvd

Gateway Drive

International Drive (Wheatfield Drive to Hwy 31 Ramps)

River Oaks Drive (International Drive to Hwy 501)

Village Center Blvd, Oakmoor Drive, Savoy Drive

Eddie Dyer Road (formerly Frontage Road B-2)

Augusta Plantation Dr, Village Pky, Brentford Pl, Oxley Dr, Carnaby Lp, Marylebone Dr

Ronald McNair Blvd (Waccamaw Blvd to Bellavita Blvd), Tidewater Rd


We need more volunteers to cover the above designated areas and to expand beyond these areas.

If you are interested in volunteering please contact us at

If there is an immediate need for trash removal (trash bag spewed or construction debris that has fallen from a truck, etc.) contact or the Horry County Hotline at 843-381-8000 during business hours and report the problem.



Beautify Carolina Forest performs median maintenance on the medians on Carolina Forest Boulevard (between Covington and Highway 501), River Oaks Drive and Gardner Lacy Road every 2 weeks during the growing season. 


Work performed includes mowing and trimming all of the grass in the medians and trimming trees and shrubs as deemed appropriate.  Specific dates for larger projects will be communicated as soon as known.  For more information contact

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